Understanding Amazon Labels on Products: FNSKU vs. SKU


Amazon FNSKU vs. SKU labels

When navigating the vast marketplace of Amazon,both new and seasoned sellers encounter a variety of terms and labels that are crucial for managing inventory and sales. Among these,FNSKU and SKU stand out as fundamental components of Amazon’s logistical ecosystem. In this article,we’ll dive deep into what these labels mean,how they differ,and why they’re important for your success on Amazon.

What is an FNSKU?

Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit,or FNSKU,is a term unique to Amazon. It’s an Amazon-specific identifier assigned to products that are stored in and fulfilled by Amazon’s fulfillment centers. The FNSKU is used to track products throughout Amazon’s fulfillment network and ensures that the correct item reaches the customer.

How FNSKU Works

When you list a product for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA),Amazon assigns it an FNSKU. This code is used to label your products before they are sent to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. The FNSKU is crucial for keeping your products distinct from identical items from other sellers in the Amazon warehouse.

Examples of FNSKU

  • Example 1: X00256EFGH for a book.
  • Example 2: X00123ABCD for a coffee mug.

What is an SKU?

Stock Keeping Unit,or SKU,is a unique identifier that sellers use to track their inventory. It’s a code that can be a combination of letters and numbers,designed to help you efficiently manage and locate your products. SKUs are not exclusive to Amazon. They are widely used in various retail environments to monitor stock levels,sales,and product information.

How to Create an SKU

Creating an SKU is largely up to the seller’s discretion. Here are some tips for creating effective SKUs:

  • Keep it simple: Use a format that’s easy to understand at a glance.
  • Be consistent: Follow a consistent pattern that can grow with your inventory.
  • Include important information: Consider incorporating details like product type,size,color,or other relevant attributes.

Examples of SKU

  • Example 1: WHT-TSHRT-L for a large white t-shirt.
  • Example 2: BLK-JEANS-32 for black jeans with a waist size of 32 inches.

SKU vs. FNSKU: Understanding the Differences

While both SKU and FNSKU serve as tracking identifiers,they have distinct purposes and applications within the Amazon ecosystem.


  • Used by sellers to manage inventory.
  • It can be customized by the seller.
  • Not unique to Amazon.


  • Assigned by Amazon for products in the FBA program.
  • Used exclusively within Amazon’s fulfillment network.
  • Ensures the correct product is shipped to the customer.

Why Are These Labels Important?

Understanding and effectively using SKUs and FNSKUs are crucial for several reasons:

  • Inventory Management: They help manage and track inventory levels efficiently.
  • Order Accuracy: FNSKUs ensure that the correct product is sent to the customer,reducing errors and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Data Analysis: SKUs allow for detailed analysis of sales patterns,helping you make informed decisions about stock levels,promotions,and product development.

Tips for Managing SKUs and FNSKUs on Amazon

To make the most out of your Amazon selling experience,here are some tips for managing your SKUs and FNSKUs:

  • Develop a Systematic Approach for SKU Creation: This will save you time and confusion in the long run.
  • Regularly Review Your Inventory: Keep an eye on your stock levels and sales data to adjust your inventory and SKUs as needed.
  • Use FNSKUs for FBA: Ensure all your FBA products are properly labeled with FNSKUs to avoid mix-ups and ensure customer satisfaction.

For more Amazon FBA tips click here

SKU vs. FNSKU Conclusion

In the complex world of Amazon selling,understanding the nuances of SKUs and FNSKUs is essential. These identifiers not only help in efficient inventory management but also ensure that your products are accurately tracked and delivered to your customers. By mastering the use of these labels,you can streamline your operations,reduce errors,and ultimately,enhance your success on Amazon. Remember,the key to effective inventory management lies in the details,and SKUs and FNSKUs are foundational elements of those details.