5 Plumbing Tips Homeowners Must Have That They May Not

Residential plumbers share tips and tricks with homeowners online and in person every day. So, there is plenty of information to help you learn more. However, some plumbing tips are still more important than others. In this article, you will find five things that professional residential plumbers want you to know about home plumbing that you may not already know.

1.      Locate Your Main Water Shutoff Valve

Locate your main shutoff valve in the whole house. Knowing its location is helpful in plumbing emergencies. In the event of in-home flooding, a burst pipe, or a significant leak, you can completely turn off the water supply and stop the rushing water. Read more Anthony Wimpey Plumbing.

2.      Run Cold Water When Running Your Garbage Disposal

Use cold water when operating a garbage disposal. Grind some ice cubes to clean garbage disposals and sharpen their blades. Grind a few lemon peels with the ice cubes to make the unit smell fresh.

3.      Do Not Put Oil And Grease Down The Sink

Common sense is your best weapon against many plumbing clogs. Do not pour grease down the kitchen sink. And do not wash coffee grounds down the drain. Also, do not grind pasta or stringy vegetables in a garbage disposal. These substances lead to pipe blockages and clogs. And ultimately a sewer backup. In addition, never flush bulky items down the toilet like paper towels.

4.      How To Set Your Hot Water Temperature

Thousands of people suffer burns and scalding from hot water in their homes. The plumbing industry temperature recommendation for hot water faucets is between 120 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. So, the water at a residential faucet should be between 120 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit and not hotter. The temperature for the hot water in your home is set on your water heater. Learn more https://anthonywimpeyplumbing.com/.

Old tank water heaters have a temperature dial on the lower part of the tank face. Set it to medium when high, low, and medium are the options. Set newer conventional water heaters, with temperature dials in degrees between 120 and 125 degrees Fahrenheit. Most tankless models and many recent tank water heaters have cloud-based WiFi applications and online access to set water temperature. Please use these apps to ensure your water is safe, and not too hot, for your household.

5.      Save Energy And Conserve Water With ENERGY STAR

Conserving energy and saving water is good for the planet and for your pocketbook. So, energy and water usage efficiency is often a concern when selecting a new water heater, dishwasher, faucet, showerhead, or toilet. Be sure to choose an ENERGY STAR-certified plumbing fixture or appliance to ensure you will save energy and conserve water.

Professional Plumbers Share Their Knowledge To Educate Homeowners

Hopefully, your understanding of home plumbing systems is better with the addition of these five tips. Plumbers love to share their knowledge with homeowners. Call a plumber for a water heater installation or other repair service today. Find out more Anthony Wimpey Plumbing.